Broadway Homecoming-2006

We are attempting to locate former Broadway members and attendees. If you know of friends or family who should be added to our mailing list, please let us know. You can check the current list or forward names and addresses by e-mailing Barb Taylor ( Click Here) or Roger Sell ( Click Here).

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Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, Afghanistan

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Broadway Homecomings--Welcome back to your past!

As followers of Jesus Christ responding to God's love, our mission as the people of Broadway Church is to be a multi-cultural, Christian community that in its ministry seeks, welcomes, and values all people.

Hi. I'm Troy. I've been a member of Broadway United Methodist Church in Indianapolis since 2001--a short time compared to some folks here. If you've ever attended Broadway, you may remember Barbara Clay. Barb went to be with the Lord in 2005. During the celebration of her life at a memorial service, a bunch of former Broadway folks gathered to support and comfort Barb's family, the Taylor's, who are still members.

The Holy Spirit does wonderful things when we encourage our brothers and sisters. At Barb's service, kind words soon turned into stories and memories of the past. In that quiet introspective day the seeds of a reunion were planted.

In the First Testament, Samuel put up a monument, called an "ebenezer" or "stone of help" to remind the Israelites that "Thus far has the Lord helped us." (1 Samuel 7:12) Since its birth, Broadway has been an answer to prayer for many. For some of us it is or was our "stone of help." If you've ever been associated with Broadway, we'd like to call you back to visit and remember with us. In the fall of 2006 we hope to have as many of you back home as possible. This site is designed to help you plan, reconnect, and get excited about your trip here.

We will post the dates of Homecoming 2006 here (when we figure them out). We'll post scheduled events, help with lodging if needed, post old photographs as people send them to me. We also are trying to gather as many stories about Broadway's past as we can. Hopefully we can put them up here, too. One thing is for sure. The Homecoming will be LOTS of fun. I hope to post some sort of update at least once a month, if not more frequently.

In the meantime--Welcome Back to Your Past!


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