Broadway Homecoming-2006

We are attempting to locate former Broadway members and attendees. If you know of friends or family who should be added to our mailing list, please let us know. You can check the current list or forward names and addresses by e-mailing Barb Taylor ( Click Here) or Roger Sell ( Click Here).

My Photo
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, Afghanistan

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Schedule of Homecoming 2005 Events

Friday, October 13th, 2006

6:00 p.m. – MYF cookout/party at Debbie Rowe’s

Saturday, October 14th, 2006

10:00 to noon – Choir reunion and rehearsal, Beck Hall
Noon to 9:00 p.m. – Broadway through the Ages Memorabilia Exhibit, Parlor
3:00 p.m. – Wesley Class Reunion, Wesley Room
3:30 p.m. – Searchers/Off-Broadway Players/Broadrays Reunion, Library
4:00 p.m. – Epworth Class Reunion, New Broadway Workers Classroom
5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. – Reunion Banquet, Community Room
5:00 Fellowship Hour; 6:00 Meal; 7:00 Program, 9:00 p.m. – MYF Candlelight Service, Sanctuary

Sunday, October 15th, 2006

9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. – Broadway through the Ages Memorabilia Exhibit, Parlor
9:00 a.m. – Sunday School, (note change from usual time)
10:00 a.m. – Homecoming Worship Service, Sanctuary (note change from usual time)
Noon (following worship service) – Reception, Community Room


Broadway United Methodist Church:

Who’s Coming
• Former ministers and their families:
Children of Dr. Robert Pierce
Dr. James Armstrong
Rev. Lester Bill
Rev. Larry Curtis
Rev. William Lipp
Mrs. Robert (Jane) Fribley
Mrs. John (Virginia) Willson
Rev. Robert Stine
Dr. James Morin
Dr. Philip Amerson
Rev. Mary Ann Moman
Rev. Summer Walters
Rev. John Gibson
Rev. Vanessa Allen Brown

• Numerous members of the former music staff and office staff

• Many, many current and former Broadway members!

If you or others you know have not received an invitation and would like to attend, please contact Roger Sell at (317) 585-9818 or or Barb (Clay) Taylor at (317) 596-9884

Getting to Broadway

Homecoming guests who use a wheelchair or walker are advised to enter the building using the pull-off on Fall Creek Parkway. This space allows stair-free access to the church, sanctuary and Community Room via an elevette.

If you don’t drive (or don’t drive at night), please let us know and we’ll work to arrange transportation so you can attend Broadway’s Homecoming.

Need lodging? If you need lodging suggestions or would like to stay in the home of a current member, please let us know.

For the above issues, contact Roger Sell at (317) 585-9818 or or Barb (Clay) Taylor at (317) 596-9884

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Broadway in the late 1950s

Here are some Broadway staff members from the late 1950s. If you can name them, let us know by leaving a comment below.

And here's a full house back in 1959.

A Broadway Dinner-1927

We've always known how to eat well at Broadway. Here is the Community Room full of people and look at those table arrangements. (If you click on the photo you will get a more detailed view.) Note also the tipped up chairs in the center row, probably to let people know those seats were saved (for the photographer maybe?) The Community Room was refurbished in 2005 and will be ready for a full house come Homecoming 2006 weekend.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Broadway Homecomings--Welcome back to your past!

As followers of Jesus Christ responding to God's love, our mission as the people of Broadway Church is to be a multi-cultural, Christian community that in its ministry seeks, welcomes, and values all people.

Hi. I'm Troy. I've been a member of Broadway United Methodist Church in Indianapolis since 2001--a short time compared to some folks here. If you've ever attended Broadway, you may remember Barbara Clay. Barb went to be with the Lord in 2005. During the celebration of her life at a memorial service, a bunch of former Broadway folks gathered to support and comfort Barb's family, the Taylor's, who are still members.

The Holy Spirit does wonderful things when we encourage our brothers and sisters. At Barb's service, kind words soon turned into stories and memories of the past. In that quiet introspective day the seeds of a reunion were planted.

In the First Testament, Samuel put up a monument, called an "ebenezer" or "stone of help" to remind the Israelites that "Thus far has the Lord helped us." (1 Samuel 7:12) Since its birth, Broadway has been an answer to prayer for many. For some of us it is or was our "stone of help." If you've ever been associated with Broadway, we'd like to call you back to visit and remember with us. In the fall of 2006 we hope to have as many of you back home as possible. This site is designed to help you plan, reconnect, and get excited about your trip here.

We will post the dates of Homecoming 2006 here (when we figure them out). We'll post scheduled events, help with lodging if needed, post old photographs as people send them to me. We also are trying to gather as many stories about Broadway's past as we can. Hopefully we can put them up here, too. One thing is for sure. The Homecoming will be LOTS of fun. I hope to post some sort of update at least once a month, if not more frequently.

In the meantime--Welcome Back to Your Past!